Saturday, March 29, 2014

Quran Joke 3

No solar or Lunar eclipse - allah never allow overtaking.


►► ERRORS in Quran 36:40 ►►
Error 1) Each in orbit swimming
Sun has no Orbit - its interstellar motion. Spiral motion moving outwards - APEX is not Orbit.

Error 2) Sun can't reach moon
# As per Human relative point of view - this is WRONG - solar eclipse
# As per Universal relative point of View - this is ABSURD statement, because these two can't even said like "Reaching"
When Sun Became "Black Hole" SUN WILL REACH MOON
►There fore this statement is simple commonsense of 7 CAD - sun & moon moving in a Path above earth (Proof is Hadits - Muhammad says SUN going under chair when it sets)
Error 3) Nor Night overtake day
So what about 6 months night in Polar regions??

There are 3 MAJOR Errors in single Verse.

Abû Dharr al-Ghifârî, one of the Prophet Muhammad’s Companions, relates the following:
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to me: “O Abû Dharr! Do you know where the Sun goes when it sets?”

I said: “Allah and His Messenger know best.”

He said: “It goes until it prostrates beneath the Throne. Then it seeks permission and permission is granted to it. Soon it will prostrate and it will not be accepted from it, and seek permission and will not be granted permission. It will be said to it: ‘Go back where you came from.’ Then it will rise from its setting place. This is Allah’s statement: ‘And the Sun runs on to its place of settlement. That is the determination of the Mighty the Knowing. [Sûrah YâSîn: 38]’.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (3199, 7424)]

Quran Joke 2

Allah - the god of Islam is feared of 3 

Quran Joke 1

Quran messed up with mentioning - Who is first Muslim?

Questions for Muslims

Sex-maniac Muhammad

Vulva worshippers

The civilization of pagan belief relates in Islam.

Kab - []

Muslims are bowing down to vulva 5 times a day & mock on others as idol worshipers.

Read More:
In traditional Islamic dream interpretation, a woman's vagina is understood as the doorway through which Allah has commanded us to pass, in verse 2:189 of the Qur’an— "So come to the houses by their doors". The vulva (farj) means "relief (faraj) for whoever is in distress." And the vulva is the mihrab (prayer niche in a mosque) and the qiblah (the direction of Mecca toward which one faces in prayer). In the wall of a mosque facing toward Mecca, the mihrab is shaped like a vagina recessed into the wall to show the direction of prayer. Thus in traditional Islam the yoni is associated with the most sacred rite of Islam, the daily prayer toward the sacred Center.
Reference: See the Islamic dream interpretation book Ta‘tîr al-anâm fî ta‘bîr al-manâm (The perfuming of humanity in the interpretation of dreams) by the 17th-century Sufi scholar ‘Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi (Beirut: Dar al-Khayr, 1991), p. 358-359, for this symbolism.
The two Classical Arabic words farj and faraj are spelled identically (فرج), suggesting that they shared a close semantic link through the common triliteral root.
The setting of the Black Stone into a corner of the Ka‘bah is notable for its yonic shape.

Its function as a cultic object kissed by worshipers remained unchanged in the transition from Goddess religion to Islam. Comparing the Black Stone of Mecca with the description of the sacred cultic stone of the Mother Goddess Cybele brought from Pessinus in Anatolia to Rome in 204 BCE, the two of them could be twins. They are both reported to be meteoritic, dark reddish-brown in color, a little larger than a person's head, and tapering in shape.

allah hate non-sinners

Who is allah?
The god who want people to do sins, if not he will remove them (non-sinners) from earth.

allah's prick

Allah prays for muhammad

To Whom does god of Islam prays to ??

Muhammad used to wear women dress

Muhammad used to wear women dress:

Proof : (4224) (2581)

Copying of Muhammad

Copying of Muhammad with out copy right from Jews & Christians


Muhammad is not from Abraham

Demonized muhammad

Abraham Built kaaba - A LIE


☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
" Corner stone of Islam is a Lie & a Liar (muham'mad)"
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Abraham built kaaba in mecca is a pure lie. There is no evidence for Kaaba or Mecca before 4 C AD.
1) Also sayings of Abraham & Hagar & infant Ismail crossed 1000 miles of Mesopotamian waste land of deserts (is impossible)

2) As per hadits Abraham Frequently visit Ismail's house in Mecca , by again traveling 1000 miles frequently (is impossible) ◄Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 583►

3) "Ismail attended the funeral of Abraham", How can he travel 1000 miles at around 2000 BC from Mecca to cannan with in this time of death & funeral ? (is Impossible)

There are more lies of Islam (taqiyya) just got exposed & exposing!

The Quran, 666

The Message of GOD, The Book of GOD, The Quran, 666 and its Proof, 19.

The Quran is a gift from GOD to humanity that it guides to the right path which leads to Heaven.

The proofs shall be the evidences that this Quran is the 666 that Satan, his religions, his temples especially the Church are afraid of.

The Quran is the 666 and GOD preserves the 666 with the number 19.

6 is the first perfect number in mathematics.
It is the only number that the sum of its factors and also the product of its factors equal to the number itself.
1 + 2 + 3 = 6
1 x 2 x 3 = 6

We read in the Quran that GOD created the Heavens and the Earth and all in between in 6 days.

Sura 111 has 100 letters and the Gv of letter Qaf is 100.
Sura 111 has 6 verses ; 111 x 6 = 666 , The Quran
Sura 6 verse 111 is 666 th verse in the Qaf table.
The number 666 is written mathematically as : 6 x 100 , 6 x 10 , 6 x 1
Adding the factors gives the result of the number 111 (100+10+1).
We say “ALLAHUAKBAR” 111 times in daily contact prayers.

Adding all the factors gives the result of 18 (6+6+6) and 111 (100+10+1).
Sura 18 has 111 verses and 18 x 111 = 1998 (666×3)..The Year that The Message “This Quran” delivered.

The creation of biological life on this earth is based on Carbon. Carbon has 6 electrons.
Carbon is the 6th element in the Periodic table.

Additional note from an Islamiat student I talked to:
There are 666 verses, or ayats, in the Quran.

What do you think?

Either the number 666 is the number of the beast [evil], as the Bible describes,


it is the holy number of the Quran.

You cannot believe the 666 is both good and evil. You have to make a choice as to what you believe.

Is the Bible correct, or is the Quran correct, on this? Your eternal destiny depends on the choice you make.

Quran says allah & satan are same

For More reading See here

Gay prophet muhammad

Muhammad was a False prophet - by quran

Barnabas Gospel of Muslims - Proved Quran Wrong

Sadist fanatic, the allah

Good news from allah is Torture

AWARENESS - What Muslims believe on Prophets & Books?

A Prophet
(Muslim point of view):
1) God will talk to Prophet (via Angel )
2) God will give him some book
3) Then prophet will teach from the book given from god
4) That book will be given to his followers after him
5) - - - - Over - - - - - & JUST BELIEVE in that COMIC - - - - - - -

Muhammad taught (as said above on prophet - now this is belief below),
*Isa was given a Book (Ingil - Euangelion- greek book for a Jew), when he was born
*made him a prophet (got book right!)
*Thus Isa taught followers from that Book!
*Now that book is missing - Christians - evil - people of Ibilis - destroyed or hide that book
*The Gospels in Bible is just man made- NO HOLY SPIRIT- NO SON OF G-D ! Every thing Fabricated.

Note: Muhammad & quran :- About 60% of quran is from his own thoughts - rest 40% from caliphs & Muslims later.{Amazing Foul play of satan}

From this view point each - MUSLIM will talk.

But Muslims never ever understand the truth that,

TRUTH for Muslims
1) No such Book called Euangelion , was given to Jesus.
2) Jesus & Prophets never taught from a particular Book given from their G-d especially for each of them.
3) Prophets are People who got selected by G-d . Merely 55 prophets & their revelations merged called Bible. They never contradict - sticks on same theme & Messiah.
4) Prophets note their experience in rocks or papyrus & later their followers authenticate it with the revelations from former prophets.
5) History of Tanakh itself ranges more than 1500 years, (1500 BC - Moses time to 100 BC - more than 40 prophets work - in wide time span)
6) G-d Never give "A BOOK" to Jesus.

10 Commandments from Lord is the only scripture given straight from G-d to Moses.
Gospels (Euangelion)- testimony of Jesus Life - the Good news .
Gospels are Life of Jesus & the people who see it written it down.
One who read Old testament & afterwards New testament will see the fulfillment of prophecies - in each events in Life of Jesus (Even the authors of Gospels never aware of this much fulfillment of messiah)

Islamic god - 'allah' - The name less


 Allah is arabic word of G-d.

# Al - Ilah is Allah.
# 'Al' - means 'The' in arabic.
# Ilah means deity.
# allah means 'The Deity' or Just 'the god' !

Quran 17:110 "Whichever [name] you call - to Him belong the best names." []
Means what ever name a Muslim can call for allah, all are his, A WILD GUESS!

Alah - in hebrew means curse (

Praying God
Quran 2:157 - Upon them shall be prayers (salawatun) from their Lord and mercy, and they are the rightly directed.
Muhammad guessed 99 names but Never gave the Right name posses by the Real G-d.

Power less Dummy
Allah's enemy Iblis came with a flame of fire to put it in my face, so I said three times:" I Seek refuge in Allah from thee." Then I said three times:" I curse thee with Allah's full curse." But he did not retreat (on any one of these) three occasions.

How does Muhammad became a prophet ?

Who did & How did the validations?

A strip tease test!

Why is Islam is a Joke?

This page is an awareness page for people who got trapped in cult of lies.
* Exposing ignorance of - Author(s) of Quran!
* Against Islamic Taqiyya!

The religion in the name of Abraham (a lie) forcing world wide people to accept and follow pagan rituals called as Islam.