Saturday, March 29, 2014

Quran Joke 3

No solar or Lunar eclipse - allah never allow overtaking.


►► ERRORS in Quran 36:40 ►►
Error 1) Each in orbit swimming
Sun has no Orbit - its interstellar motion. Spiral motion moving outwards - APEX is not Orbit.

Error 2) Sun can't reach moon
# As per Human relative point of view - this is WRONG - solar eclipse
# As per Universal relative point of View - this is ABSURD statement, because these two can't even said like "Reaching"
When Sun Became "Black Hole" SUN WILL REACH MOON
►There fore this statement is simple commonsense of 7 CAD - sun & moon moving in a Path above earth (Proof is Hadits - Muhammad says SUN going under chair when it sets)
Error 3) Nor Night overtake day
So what about 6 months night in Polar regions??

There are 3 MAJOR Errors in single Verse.

Abû Dharr al-Ghifârî, one of the Prophet Muhammad’s Companions, relates the following:
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to me: “O Abû Dharr! Do you know where the Sun goes when it sets?”

I said: “Allah and His Messenger know best.”

He said: “It goes until it prostrates beneath the Throne. Then it seeks permission and permission is granted to it. Soon it will prostrate and it will not be accepted from it, and seek permission and will not be granted permission. It will be said to it: ‘Go back where you came from.’ Then it will rise from its setting place. This is Allah’s statement: ‘And the Sun runs on to its place of settlement. That is the determination of the Mighty the Knowing. [Sûrah YâSîn: 38]’.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (3199, 7424)]

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